Britain Fairly

Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created!
~ Esther 4:14

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What exactly is Bridget Jamieson so frantically trying to hide? Is there actually a stowaway buried under her skin? And who’s ever heard of an empathy belly anyway? Or is it all a ruse for some project prompted by an elite summer college programme? And to what end?

When a British teen girl, daughter of a diplomat, from the upper cuffs of wealthy privilege, is unceremoniously relocated to the other side of the world yet again, she risks her longest standing friendship, the first love of her life, and potentially disappoints her parents beyond all recognition, to intentionally tack a rounded sign to the front of her that says “pregnant teen - baby forthcoming - open for unsolicited moments of disdain and remarks of condemnation.” Bridget unexpectedly exchanges academic accolades and prestigious propriety for undeniable scrutiny, unwelcome notoriety, and the opportunity to witness the miracle in all the mess.

Choosing life is the story of one seemingly inconsequential misstep in judgement lending itself to an irreversible choice with life-altering consequences—all to keep up appearances in a world preaching Jesus, but practising hypocrisy, fraught with law—Pharisee style.

This world of pressure and privilege intent on taught strings, social protocols, and personal unspoken silence is strangling one girl’s will to succeed in this nearly hidden journey of fluttery first love.

Devastating prescribed expectations to find tidy solutions to anything problematic in one’s life that infringes upon the projected perfection infecting her community riotously contends with the divinely orchestrated arrival of a counsellor extraordinaire’s unabashed outpouring of Jesus’ grace, and truth and life.

This prominent British teen living in the land of Kiwi’s, unwraps the often, untouchable subjects of pre-marital sex, abuse, abortion, adoption, and teen parenthood prevalent in every level of society.  It is a story of ultimately falling passionately and personally in love with the truest realisation of our heavenly Father as He reveals that yes, EVERYTHING is relentlessly redeemable. And His grace is always sufficient!
Meet The Author image
BRITAIN FAIRLY—Chooser of Life. Lover of Jesus. Daughter. Sister. Mum. Friend. Medically Minded. Ministry Inclined. Cheeky and Redeemed. As a freckled redhead residing with my grown-ish kids in a tropical country, having been raised on English and fog, not Spanish and sunshine, I should own stock in a sun cream company and foreign language app!

Whilst I don't surf, I do passionately pray on the beach every chance I get for the boldness to love people like Christ loves me. I intend to pour Jesus' grace over every person I meet, especially teens! As a trauma survivor, myself, and inspired by a 'once upon a time counsellor extraordinaire' in my teen years, I followed the Holy Spirit's prompting to pursue my grad/master's and postgrad/doctoral studies in crisis and trauma counselling. I specialise in holistic, whole person healing and recovery for teen survivors of sexual trauma. I am especially enthused by the beauty of group dynamics and marvel at the incredible insight, hope, and strength survivors share with one another when they finally realise their intrinsic worth in Christ!

I am delighted to serve underprivileged new mums and babies in a developing country, and am passionate about candidly discussing teen topics such as fluttery first love, relationships, interpersonal communication, intimacy, pre-marital sex, unexpected pregnancy, life, abortion, abuse, adoption, teen parenthood, and ultimately God's beautiful plan for sexuality in our lives. Just for the record—I absolutely believe EVERYTHING is relentlessly redeemable!

Please join me in getting to know Bridget Jamieson and her peers in the land of the Kiwis as she navigates a world of pressure and privilege, mess and miracles, relentless redemption and astounding grace.

The "WHY" of Choosing Life image
Every day babies are born. And every day babies are not born. Minute by minute, new life is celebrated. Minute by minute, new life is dreaded. Second by second, hearts are deciding to choose life. Second by second, hearts are choosing to end life. Tired topics you say? Hardly!  SEX. PREGNANCY. ABORTION. LIFE. Stand alone and undeniably interconnected, these are timeless topics.

Have you watched the news recently? I dare you to turn it on. And what will you find? Sex sells. Period. Pregnancy praised or condemned, providing profit or predicament depending on the circumstances. Abortion unapologetically heralded as the compassionate choice to successfully curtail the needless suffering of yet another unwanted child in an overpopulated world to an underprivileged, underage would be mother. And life? What of life? Life is a debate ever ready to emerge. Simply, the contents of pregnancy? A Foetus? Or actual unborn child? Valued or valueless?

Pro-choice, aka pro-abortion, emulated as the compassionate side. Pro-life, aka anti-abortion, expressed as a cruel, archaic, compassionless form of punishment forcing an unwanted burden on an unsuspecting woman. Sound like anything you’ve heard recently or for the last two decades perhaps? Politics will most likely never be aside in these matters and yet, no amount of partisan name calling is going to settle the matter. Why? Because quite simply, no, scratch that, quite complexly, abortion is a matter of the heart.

A heart topic that requires us to transform our belief that it is all political conversation. Or purely medical procedures. And delve into the truth of its complexity, that abortion is indeed spiritual and emotional. We have to take ourselves to a place of understanding what empty arms really feel like. Actually, fathom, and literally empathise with the haunting emptiness and nearly irreparable, silent, scar-less wounds left on an unsuspecting heart when a once growing life within her prematurely ends. Resulting from a choice of perhaps pressure; projected perfectionism; secrecy; shame; hurt; or the ever-embracing arms of the secular world and their utterly convincing arguments that an unborn life was never really a life at all.

We have to personally discover the undeniable truth that our worth is found in Christ not in ourselves. And His incomprehensible, all-consuming, overwhelming, never-ending love for us and His passionate, personal pursuit to save our lives is exactly the reason we can come to the awareness that all life is valuable. Especially those awaiting the opportunity to experience life outside the womb.
And even-still, abortion is not a solo topic exclusive to the underprivileged classes. It is shockingly prevalent in the middle, upper middle, and upper classes of most societies worldwide and more specifically for the purposes of this discussion within the Christian community where we prefer to hush, blush, or rush aside these topics in an effort to emulate decorum, propriety, higher moral ground, and projected perfectionism.

This book engages teens and parents in a much needed, often avoided, candid and honest dialogue about the complexities of sex in our lives. Making abortion understandable, though not permissible, amidst navigating projected perfectionism, keeping up appearances, shamed secrecy, and the undeniable emotional intimacies involved in choosing life for one’s unborn child. Ultimately, revealing the relentless redemption of our Saviour in all circumstances and our ever-apparent need for His unabashed grace to be poured over us.

Ask me a question! Send me a note! I would love to hear from you ~Brit

Come Join Brit's Candid Video Conversations

1 to 3

#1 Introducing Bridget Jamieson #2 Ms. Cartwright—Counsellor Extraordinaire #3 Bridget's Shocking Letter of Recommendation

Have a look!

4 to 6

#4 Welcome to the Riotous Corridors of Bridget's New School #5 Introducing Philip— Bridget's Soon-To-Be Love Interest #6 The Lead Turkey (a.k.a Lexi Crown) & The So-Called Registrar

Have a look!

7 to 9

#7 Do You Have a Lexi Crown (a.k.a. Bully) in Your Life? #8 Lexi's Antics Escalate! Yikes!!! #9 Introducing Livvie—Bridget's Best Gal Pal

Have a look!

Join Brit — a Crisis and Trauma Counsellor as she Discusses Teen Sexual Trauma and Recovery

I AM ...

My Identity in Christ Jesus
  • I am the salt of the earth (Holy Bible, New International Version [NIV], 1973/2011, Matthew 5:13).
  • I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
  • I am a child of God (i.e., part of His family)  (John 1:12; Romans 8:16)
  • I am a beloved child of God (Romans 8:14, 15)  (i.e., God is my “Abba-Daddy” so to speak) (Galatians 3:26, 4:6).
  • I am a temple (home) of God.  His Spirit dwells in me (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19).
  • I am a new creation in Christ (new person) (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • I am a son of God and one in Christ (Galatians 3:26, 28).
  • I am God’s workmanship (handiwork) created in Christ to do the work He planned beforehand that I should do (Ephesians 2:10).
  • I am a son/daughter of light and not of darkness (1 Thessalonians. 5:5).
  • I am one of God’s living stones and am being built up (in Christ) as a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5).
  • I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).
  • I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me (1 John 5:18).
  • I am adopted as his child (Ephesians 1:5).
  • I am a saint (Ephesians 1:18).
  • I am God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)
  • I am a dwelling for the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:22).
  • I am completed by God (Ephesians 3:19).
  • I possess the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16).
  • I am crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20).
  • I am born again (I Peter 1:23).
  • I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • I am made alive together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:5).
  • I am raised up and seated with Christ in heaven. (Ephesians. 2:6).
  • Christ Himself is in me. (Colossians 1:27).
  • I am complete in Christ. (Colossians 2:10).
  • I am buried, raised, and made alive with Christ. (Colossians 2:12, 13)
  • I am sanctified and one with the Sanctifier (Christ), He is not ashamed to call me brother/sister (Hebrews 2:11).
  • I am righteous and holy. (Ephesians 4:24)
  • I am a holy brother/sister, partaker of a heavenly calling. (Hebrews 3:1)
  • I am now a child of God.  I will resemble Christ when He returns (1 John 3:1, 2).
  • I am redeemed (Ephesians 1:8).
  • I am forgiven (Ephesians 1:8; Colossians 1:14).
  • I am holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4).
Knowing Who You Truly Are in Christ! image

What is Christian Mindfulness and Meditation?

Have a look!

Christ-Focused Grace-Filled Guided Mindfulness and Meditation Exercise

Have a look!

Emotional Freedom Tapping: Acupressure/Cognitive Anxiety Reduction Technique

Have a look!
Scriptural Support for Mindfulness image
Paul advises believers in Philippians 2:1-5 (NIV, 1973/2011) to be mindful and live with an awareness of the present. A cognitive component is “to take every thought captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Moreover, Paul encourages people to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2) and to practise “God-honouring thoughts” (Philippians 4:9). In this way, personal awareness of feelings and subsequent meditation on God’s words offers individuals the opportunity to reframe negative feelings more positively; focusing on God’s promises of grace and comfort whilst not worrying or being distracted about the future (Matthew 6:25-34).

The Lord promises those who place their hope in Him will be renewed in their strength (Isaiah 40:31) and that even in suffering the God of all grace will restore His children, make them strong, firm, and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10).
Come Refresh. Recover. Restore.
Kama Hesed is Hebrew for SO MUCH GRACE
That is exactly what you will find here through 
Holistic, Christ-Centred, Grace-Filled, Trauma-Informed
Crisis and Trauma Recovery

And How Can I Recover?

And its Daily Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Impact

Healthy Ways to Cope with Anger

Simple Ways to Cope with Trauma Triggers

And the Miracle of GRACE

Reminders for Trauma Survivors

Have a look!  

What is Everything Goes Right?! Reframing Strategy

Have a look!  

Peace Be Still! Easy Steps for Emotion Regulation

Have a look!  

Please utilise in a manner that is in agreement with your own personal beliefs, comfort level, and discretion! Whilst I do not necessarily agree with everything discussed in each item listed, I do believe their are EXCELLENT resources and great places to find vital information!

Joseph Prince Ministries and New Creation Church —For Anyone and Everyone Who NEEDS DAILY GRACE poured over them! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ~Romans 8:1

(In)Courage—Daily Encouragement for Proverbs 31 Women of All Ages!

RAINN —U.S. National Sexual Assault Hotline—Get Help 24/7 Call 800.656. HOPE or Chat Anonymously Online

Invisible Girls: Speaking the Truth About Sexual Abuse—Excellent book for teens experiencing sexual abuse/assault and those who support them!

The Courage to Heal—A Guide for Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.

The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk —an excellent guide to understanding traumatic stress and its impact.

Brit's Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Website— If you are struggling with recovering from trauma and emotional dysregulation, whether it is related to growing up an invalidated or neglectful environment, various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse, relationship or abandonment issues, come learn more about dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). DBT is a "building lives worth living program." DBT is a flexible, stage-based psychotherapy that comprises elements of behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and mindfulness with an underlying emphasis on helping individuals learn to both regulate and tolerate their emotions.

DBT clinicians ascribe to certain beliefs or assumptions in order to effectively treat, such as the client/therapist relationship is a real, transactional relationship between equals; and the client is doing the best they can and wants to improve whilst also maintaining the client needs to do better, try harder, and be motivated to change. This is a core feature of DBT— the "D" or dialectics of the approach—acceptance and change (e.g., embracing opposites that exist simultaneously in a “both-and” model” rather than an “either-or” stance!)

Heartbeat International—An incredible organisation with a 24/7 options line for crisis pregnancies. Their mission? To Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible through an effective global network of life-affirming pregnancy help that Renews communities for LIFE. The have significant emergency abortion reversal support as well.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions—Birthparent help and support for those considering adoption. National and State-by-State Resources and links listed.

Kisses From Katie—The Astoundingly Beautiful Story of a Young Woman Choosing Adoption!

Saved By Grace with Meredith Foster — Encouraging faith filled, soul lifting, smile producing videos featuring a one-in-a-million Proverbs 31 kind of woman with heart that sparkles with the warmth of Christ for every single soul she encounters. Her love for others is palpable. Her generosity of spirit, kindness and candour will inevitably warm your heart!

The Sprit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for the Children—To be Pro-Life is to be Pro-Child

Unplanned—A Movie that Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Abortion

Postpartum Support International—If you are in need of support during your pregnancy or anytime after, this organisation has a 24/7 crisis hotline and support groups directly addressing perinatal (conception and after birth) mental health struggles, such as postpartum depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and psychosis. There will never be any judgement. Only help, connection, and support. Although PSI is a secular programme, I highly recommend reaching out to them if you are struggling in any way. It is never your fault. And you deserve compassionate support. It's all free.

One For Israel —Yeshua/Jesus— The best kept secret in Israel!

International Fellowship for Christians and Jews

Our Favourite Worship image
Of Dirt and Grace by HILLSONG UNITED — I love to open up all the windows, get on my knees, feel the ocean breeze, and worship the Lord with these precious souls. When you need the Lord's grace heaped on you, click on this link, and feel the Holy Spirit's gentle sway embrace you!

Unbroken Praise by Matt Redman — There was season in my daughters' lives when we were facing undeniable hardship and we decided we needed to exchange panic for PRAISE. We would blast this album in our car, unabashedly lift our voices, shouting out God's truths and promises before we could see the manifestation of His Glory. There is something miraculous that happens when we choose to praise instead of panic! I will tell you all of heaven came to battle on our behalf one truly miraculous day and the Lord gave us beyond restoration in ways we may never be able to truly explain. And on the days when I cannot seem to push through challenges, I get on my knees, often around 3 am, silently in my room, and worship to the "Majesty of the Most High!" I pray that you feel the Holy Spirit's heavenly glow as you choose praise—no matter the battle or the story. He is the great Rescuer!

FREE by Mandisa— F— R— E— E,  "I'm gonna dance, and shout, and scream, I am free!" This is one of my daughter's favourite songs of all time. On the hardest of hard days, we blast Mandisa in the kitchen and dance and scream until the walls shake and the neighbours come out to look. That's right, we are FREE. Who the Son sets Free is Free indeed! If you ever get the chance to Mandisa live, take it, she is a precious soul if ever there was one!

Who You SAY I Am by Hillsong United — Proclaim over yourself who God says you are. You are CHOSEN not forsaken. He is FOR you not against you! WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED! Amen.

You Say by Lauren Daigle—You are more than enough. You are who I say I am. I am loved. You say I am strong. You say I am held. You say I am yours. I believe. Jesus is for You! Never against you. Hear who He says you are and stop listening to the enemy.

Well Done by Moriah Peters—Utterly joyful..."I'm gonna chase you Lord...I'm gonna run this race to hear you say Well Done!" Jesus says Well Done, Precious Soul, Well Done! He thinks you are amazing!

Love Secrets-Made for Jesus by John Mark Pantana featuring Olivia Dyer—Jesus' love letter to you. A precious sister-in-Christ offered this worship to me during a season in which I was really struggling. I pray it is salve to your soul, just like it is for mine.

Love Note by Upperroom—There are no words to describe how this worship fills up my heart. This is
the Lord's LOVE note to you. God is above you, beneath you, before you, and behind you, in the morning, in the noontime, in the evening! Let HIs love fill you up!

ABBA by John Mark Pantana—Rest your head on your Abba daddy's chest. He loves you so and has rest for you. True rest. You can reset at any moment in His love. (Love you, Mer, thanks for introducing me to this incredible heart of worship). We are singing and dancing in the Father's love, aren't we? Join us, will you?

Hold Me by Jamie Grace featuring Toby Mac — We love Jamie Grace and the joy she brings! when my daughters were about 12 or 13 and they were going through so much in their young lives, wondering about their purpose, and place and this world, I can still see the way their smiles would brighten in the rearview mirror when this song would come on the radio. I promise He is holding you! In all of it. Jesus Loves you so much!

Hu Or (He is Light) by SHILO BEN HOD — Exceptional Messianic worship in Hebrew with English subtitles. When feeling completely overwhelmed, click on this link and allow the Lord's heavenly presence to embrace you and fill you with His light and love.

Dai Li (Enough for Me) by SHILO BEN HOD — Messianic worship for those days when you are feeling you can never be enough. You don't have to be enough. He is more than enough—FOR YOU—always!

Bevetcha (At Your Home) by SHILO BEN HOD — Messianic worship for those days when you feel like you just don't fit. Remember you are always at home with Jesus/Yeshua—you always fit—He is your home, your family, your righteousness, your acceptance. So, lift your hands and celebrate what He is doing in your life before you even see it! Celebrate His goodness and GRACE. Joy will come!

Gadol Elohai (How Great is our God!) by Joshua Aaron — Messianic/ Hebrew/English worship in Jerusalem. How Great is our God, truly! The is nothing that compares toHis astounding LOVE for you!

Ha Bracha (The Blessing) by Joshua Aaron — beautiful Hebrew version of the blessing. Bow your head and allow the Lord to anoint you with His holy oil as many times as you need it, each day of the week, each hour if need be. This blessing is His promise to you. Receive it! It yours to keep. Forever!

The Blessing U.K. — The moment I saw my home church come together in this beautiful rendition of the blessing with so many other believers across the U.K., my heart just burst with the hope and knowledge that we are not alone, we are all connected through our heavenly Father. Because He has adopted us in, we have brothers and sisters across the globe, even on the days when we might feel so very far away from the home of our heart—wherever that might be for you—you are not alone, we are with you, but more importantly, HE IS WITH YOU! And HE IS FOR YOU! Amen.

The Blessing in American Sign Language (Interpretation—Ezelis Sanderson) — this is the most beautiful rendition of this song I have ever seen in a visual representation. Many of you may not know this but the Lord quite unexpectedly blessed me with a son that accesses the world through visual means and overnight we began to see the Lord in a new light. ASL became an integral a part of our world. I hope you will open you eyes to the vast unexpected possibilities God has for you in you life.

La Benediction Francais (The French Blessing) Kids— if you are a young person, know your voice matters. YOU MATTER! Lift your praise up to the Lord. He HEARS you! I promise. I love this version as French was a language of my heart as a child. I get lost in the beauty of their precious voices choosing sing out God's promises over their lives and your life. The Lord is with you always. He loves you. He sees you. He wants you. He cherishes you. He draws near to you. He CHOOSES you! Amen.

Pastor Joseph Prince in Free Flow Worship—Astounding peace through this free flow worship. Cast your cares on the Lord for He loves you! Lay all of you burdens down at His feet. He has breakthrough and healing for you!

Because You Love Me by New Creation Worship—this precious worship in Mandarin touches my heart and brings me to tears. Their exceptionally tender approach is sure to be salve to your soul as the Lord's presence enters wherever you are. You are so loved.

Cover the Sea by Joshua Aaron—"Put your hand in mine together...we will walk in in SHALOM with all people...for his love is an open door!"

Take Another Step by Steven Curtis Chapman—When you have absolutely no idea what to do, just take another step! God is with you. He promises you. He's got your hand in His. Always. Every Day! Every Hour! Every Minute! This is our marching on song.