Please utilise in a manner that is in agreement with your own personal beliefs, comfort level, and discretion! Whilst I do not necessarily agree with everything discussed in each item listed, I do believe their are EXCELLENT resources and great places to find vital information!

Joseph Prince Ministries and New Creation Church —For Anyone and Everyone Who NEEDS DAILY GRACE poured over them! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ~Romans 8:1

(In)Courage—Daily Encouragement for Proverbs 31 Women of All Ages!

RAINN —U.S. National Sexual Assault Hotline—Get Help 24/7 Call 800.656. HOPE or Chat Anonymously Online

Invisible Girls: Speaking the Truth About Sexual Abuse—Excellent book for teens experiencing sexual abuse/assault and those who support them!

The Courage to Heal—A Guide for Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.

The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk —an excellent guide to understanding traumatic stress and its impact.

Brit's Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Website— If you are struggling with recovering from trauma and emotional dysregulation, whether it is related to growing up an invalidated or neglectful environment, various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse, relationship or abandonment issues, come learn more about dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). DBT is a "building lives worth living program." DBT is a flexible, stage-based psychotherapy that comprises elements of behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and mindfulness with an underlying emphasis on helping individuals learn to both regulate and tolerate their emotions.

DBT clinicians ascribe to certain beliefs or assumptions in order to effectively treat, such as the client/therapist relationship is a real, transactional relationship between equals; and the client is doing the best they can and wants to improve whilst also maintaining the client needs to do better, try harder, and be motivated to change. This is a core feature of DBT— the "D" or dialectics of the approach—acceptance and change (e.g., embracing opposites that exist simultaneously in a “both-and” model” rather than an “either-or” stance!)

Heartbeat International—An incredible organisation with a 24/7 options line for crisis pregnancies. Their mission? To Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible through an effective global network of life-affirming pregnancy help that Renews communities for LIFE. The have significant emergency abortion reversal support as well.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions—Birthparent help and support for those considering adoption. National and State-by-State Resources and links listed.

Kisses From Katie—The Astoundingly Beautiful Story of a Young Woman Choosing Adoption!

Saved By Grace with Meredith Foster — Encouraging faith filled, soul lifting, smile producing videos featuring a one-in-a-million Proverbs 31 kind of woman with heart that sparkles with the warmth of Christ for every single soul she encounters. Her love for others is palpable. Her generosity of spirit, kindness and candour will inevitably warm your heart!

The Sprit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for the Children—To be Pro-Life is to be Pro-Child

Unplanned—A Movie that Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Abortion

Postpartum Support International—If you are in need of support during your pregnancy or anytime after, this organisation has a 24/7 crisis hotline and support groups directly addressing perinatal (conception and after birth) mental health struggles, such as postpartum depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and psychosis. There will never be any judgement. Only help, connection, and support. Although PSI is a secular programme, I highly recommend reaching out to them if you are struggling in any way. It is never your fault. And you deserve compassionate support. It's all free.

One For Israel —Yeshua/Jesus— The best kept secret in Israel!

International Fellowship for Christians and Jews